Wednesday 12 June 2013

Hezbolla Cell. suspect sues SSS, AGF, demand N5obn

The co-owner of Amigo supermarket, Mustapha Fawaz, and three Lebanese- Abdala Tahni, Talal Rouda and Khosai Nouridine—arrested in connection with the armoury and Hezbolla terror cell in Bompai, Kano state, have filed a suit before the Federal High Court, Abuja. They are demanding N50bn as compensation from the state security service, Director-General of SSS, Ekpeyong Ita, and the Attorney-General of the federation and minister of Justice, Mohammed Adoke(SAN) for their unlawful arrest and detention without trial. They have also asked the court to stop the respondent from extraditing them except by a procedure permitted by law. In the application for the enforcement of their fundamental right, the applicants asked the court to declare their arrest and continued detention without trial by the SSS as illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional, null, void of no effect.

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